Questions & Answers

This page is to provide responses to questions asked by you. I would appreciate more good questions, so please email your questions to: Thanks.

Q: I poked around and didn't find a bio. Can you tell me more about yourself?

Q: What path or teaching is closest your own heart? I could sense similiar thoughts and insights as in the books of Joel S. Goldsmith.

Q: Life not being a struggle isn't an easy concept to imagine. Do you have ways to overcome struggles?

Q: Early in your book you mention "short circuiting time." I need to accomplish more in less time (who doesn't?). Even though your book is interesting, I am not certain how it ties in with the every day.

Q: I have a similar background: Christian Science, which led to Joel Goldsmith and later A Course in Miracles. What is your view of new age approaches to spirituality?

Q: I try to be nice in relationships, but it often doesn't have the effect I want; sometimes it seems to make things worse. Should I keep trying to be nice?

Q: I wonder about a lot of these things. What do you think about endlessly wondering about these things, and is there a way to get beyond wondering?

Q: Being in the IT industry, most of the time I am mired in vast quantities of information which my organization expects me to chew and digest in double quick time.  I end up with a crisis of confidence since I feel I am forgetting what I read a few hours ago.  Do you have any solutions?

Q: Since infinite spiritual thinking says the meaning of every infinite word is good, will you please explain how that could possibly apply to the infinite idea about terrorism or racism?

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